
The cover of Invisible Man
This website was designed in order to analyze two works under the postmodern lens for my English 1102 class on postmodernism, narrative, and belief at Georgia Tech. The two works that are being analyzed are Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison and Do The Right Thing, a film by Spike Lee. The main characters in each of these works are black men in their twenties dealing with diversity. Although the films are set in different time periods, the characters face similar issues.

This website was last edited on 2/11/11


The movie poster for Do The Right Thing
The purpose of this website is to show the relationship between Mookie and the Invisible Man. This can be shown in terms of how they deal with their social and personal responsibilities throughout their stories, and how those action relate to postmodernist and modernist views of social and personal responsibility. By looking into the actions and opinions of each of the characters during pivotal points in each novel, one can obtain a close look into characters' conflicts and troubles.